Nicholas Burbules

Nicholas Burbules
Full name Nicholas Burbules
Era 20th-century philosophy, 21st-century philosophy
Region Western Philosophy
School Analytic Philosophy, Continental Philosophy
Main interests Philosophy of Education, Dialogue, Critical Theory, Political Theory, Philosophy of Technology

Nicholas C. Burbules is a Gutgsell Endowed Professor of Education Policy, Organization and Leadership and an affiliate of the Unit for Criticism and Interpretative Theory at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. He is the director of the Ubiquitous Learning Institute and has served as Editor of the journal Educational Theory since 1991.



Nicholas Burbules earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in Religious Studies from Grinnell College in 1975, a Master of Arts degree in Philosophy from Stanford University in 1979, and a Doctor of Philosophy degree in Philosophy of Education from Stanford University in 1983.


Nicholas Burbules has been a professor in the Department of Education Policy, Organization and Leadership since 1989 at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Prior to his work at the University of Illinois, Burbules was a professor in the Department of Educational Studies at the University of Utah.

Nicholas Burbules has served as Editor of Educational Theory since 1991, helped establish Education Review in 1998, and served as President of the Philosophy of Education Society in 2001. Burbules's publications include six books, eight edited books, and over 130 journal articles or book chapters on topics including dialogue, ethics, technology, educational research, critical theory, educational psychology, social philosophy, and political philosophy. He has been an invited to speak in over ten countries on the topic of technology in education.

Nicholas Burbules' most recent work centers on Ubiquitous Learning, a concept that draws out the emergence of "any time, anywhere" learning potential made possible by increased use of handheld and portable devices, along with pervasive wireless networking. This involves a shift in ubiquity, as the traditional divide between formal and informal contexts of learning breaks down. Technological as well as social, cultural, and institutional changes mean that learning is a continuous possibility across spatial and temporal barriers. Learners of all ages expect, and often need, structured learning opportunities in a "just in time" mode; this puts new meaning and vitality into the traditional idea of "lifelong learning."

Honors and Awards

Appointed to Gutgsell Professorship, University of Illinois (2009–2014).

Recipient, James and Helen Merritt Award for Outstanding Contributions to the Philosophy of Education (2004).

[1] In 2004, he was the recipient of the Award for Outstanding Contributions to the Philosophy of Education by the James and Helen Merritt Foundation.[2]

Appointed to Grayce Wicall Gauthier Professorship, College of Education, University of Illinois (2002–2007).

President, Philosophy of Education Society (2001).



Michael A Peters, Nicholas C. Burbules, and Paul Smeyers, Showing and Doing: Wittgenstein as a Pedagogical Philosopher (Boulder, Colorado: Paradigm Publishing, 2008). Revised and reissued with a new Preface and Postscript (2010).

Michael Peters and Nicholas C. Burbules, Poststructuralism and Educational Research (Lanham, Mass.: Rowman and Littlefield Publishers, 2003). Selected for the American Educational Studies Association “Critics’ Choice” Award, 2005. Translated into Chinese (2007).

Gert Biesta and Nicholas C. Burbules, Pragmatism and Educational Research (Lanham, Mass.: Rowman and Littlefield Publishers, 2003). Selected as “The John Dewey Society Book of the Year, 2004.”

Nicholas C. Burbules and Thomas A. Callister, Jr., Watch IT: The Promises and Risks of Information Technologies for Education (Boulder, Colorado: Westview Press, 2000). Selected by Netsurfer Education as a “Netsurfer Recommendation,” Vol. 2 No. 7 (2000). Translated and republished as Educacion: Riesgos y Promesas de las Nuevas Tecnologias de la Informacion (Granica: Buenos Aires, Argentina, 2001).

D.C. Phillips and Nicholas C. Burbules, Postpositivism and Educational Research (Lanham, Mass.: Rowman and Littlefield Publishers, 2000).

Nicholas C. Burbules, Dialogue in Teaching: Theory and Practice (New York: Teachers College Press, 1993). Selected for the American Educational Studies Association “Critics’ Choice” Award, 1993. Selected for an invited book signing by the Conference on Intergroup Dialogue, University of Michigan, 1997. Translated and published as El Dialogo en la Ensenanza: Teoria y Practica (Amorrortu Editores: Buenos Aires, Argentina, 1999).


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